About Me

“Our body believes what we tell it”
“We have to shift our perspective on how we think about our bodies. It is possible to change it from negative to positive”
Then enter the modeling world: cancelled from gigs I was booked for after sending my size, being “mean girled” by plus size models for not being big enough, not small enough to book the fashion gigs. I genuinely didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere. So I decided to create a space for myself and come to find out, millions of other women as well!
I always say, when we pass on and look down from Heaven (or wherever your afterlife takes you), we would be SO mad we wasted SO much precious time hating our bodies. Life doesn’t have to be like this so I’m on the quest to help empower you to change that! Who knows if our culture will ever change, all I know is that I want to leave a mark and help make people love themselves a little bit more. This is a space that I hope will inspire you to live a much more joyful life in your bodies. You deserve it!