How to do Snow Right on the First Day of Spring

Bean Boot | Leggings | Sweater | Vest | Jacket | Headband | Purse | Earrings

A quick change in the forecast can throw any of us into a fashion frenzy.  And JUST when we thought Spring was finally here and we’ve changed over our closets, it snows!  I’m not sure about you, but I’m in desperate need the sun and wish the weather would once and for all make up it’s mind!  We didn’t, however, have a terrible winter so for that I am grateful.

Of course, a day in the snow calls for warm parkas, luxe faux furs as well as heavy duty boots.  We may or may not be totally out of the clear just yet but its always safe to prepare yourself for unpredictable weather (especially with the way of the world’s weather nowadays!).  If you were one of the lucky ones to grab a pair of Bean Boots this past year, congrats!  If you were one of unlucky 50,000+  people thrown on the waitlist, do not fret!  LL Bean have some boots back in stock and you should totally grab the all weather boots now to avoid missing your chance next year.  The best defense is a good offense…get them while you can and throw them into the back of your closet for the summer.  You’ll be glad to avoid the mayhem next time you need them.

If you’re a women’s size 8.5 or bigger, grab a men’s 7.  If you’re a women’s 7.5 or smaller, grab a kids 6.

PS.  These make for great rain boots as well.  Throw them on with your jean shorts and a tee on a warm summer rainy day.

Here are some other similar options

Sperry Duck Boot

Bass Duck Boot

JBU Duck Boot

Adriana Duck Boot

Sorel Duck Boot

Sorel Duck Snow Boot

Croc Duck Snow Boot