33 Personal Things You Didn’t Know about Me on My 33rd Birthday!


Many of you have been reading my blog for quite some time and are familiar with the content I create. It’s usually about how awesome it is to have curves, loving yourself and staying health and fit. It also probably seems very produced and perfect and that’s TOTALLY not how real life is. So, in light of my birthday and celebrating what makes me, I thought I’d take this week to let you in on some personal and totally random facts about myself. There’s no better time than the present to step out of my comfort zone, so here are 33 things you probably don’t know about me!

1.Since I turned 30, I’ve always traveled for my birthday.

30 – The Viceroy in Anguilla

31 – La Haut Resort in St. Lucia

32 – Silver Sands Motel in the North Fork of Long Island

33 – Mandarin in D. C.

34 – hopefully somewhere warm!

2. I like nice hotels but also really enjoy finding hidden gems that have a lot of character and charm.

3. I really enjoy getting older because life keeps getting better.

4. You’ll find me celebrating my birthday with a glass of Veuve champagne or tequila on the rocks. (More than likely, both).

5. I don’t do well with negativity. Actually, I despise it and avoid being around people who thrive off of it. I’ve ended friendships because of it.

6. I sing in my church choir.

7. I sang the national anthem at Fenway Park when I was in High School.

8. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

9. The worst thing you can do to me is lie.

10. I played basketball in college and love watching sports.

11. I HATE spicy food but can drink a super spicy margarita.

12. I’ve never been in love.

13. When you open my refrigerator, you’ll always find these 3 things: water, cheese and champagne.

14. I don’t like to cook. I mean I can (I think?)…but…I’d rather not. Ugh, I think I’m a female bachelor.

15. Don’t really like heights all the much. Pretty much, not at all.

16. Used to be terrified of being in front of the camera…funny how things work.

17. I use the same makeup products everyday. Moisturizer, foundation, bronzer, blush, mascara and brow filler. Anything beyond that, I’m lost.

18. I studied photography in undergrad and I studied fashion design in grad school at Parsons.

19. Used to be scared out of my mind to fly. Found out that I needed to have a window seat in order to ease my fear. Seeing the ground for frame of reference solved the issue.

20. I’m an organized neat freak. If my house is disorganized, I can’t function properly.

21. My memory of song/movie titles and names of artists/actors frustrates me, but oddly enough, I more than likely remember anything visual (album cover, music video).

22. Guilty pleasure: always having room for dessert, even when there is no room.

23. I don’t like Beyoncé.

24. Clothing and shoes are my drug. Nothing makes me feel as good.

25. I wish I had more time to read pleasurably.

26. My email accounts are very organized, and I hate seeing anything unread on my phone. I delete it immediately or file it into a proper email folder. [I’ve also unsubscribed to almost anything that isn’t important or business related…I can do without the 15% off at Macy’s].

27. I’m a very loyal friend, but have a no-return limit. If I’m betrayed by a close friend, I can hardly forgive and forget, even as much as I try.

28. I hate wearing the color black. I’m the odd one out in NYC.

29. I’m extremely belly ticklish…and can even tickle myself. It happened once. In public. And not on purpose. My sister and cousin were there to witness.

30. I love, love, love to laugh. And I love, love, love the idea of love.

31. I was born with white blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Now I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

32. I hate being cold. I’d much rather sweat than freeze. No, but for real. Being cold is so uncomfortable for me.

33. Being by any body of water (lake/ocean) is my happy place (in a boat, on the beach, in a kayak etc). I’ve managed to be on a beach every birthday since I turned thirty…even if it was only 45 degrees out (like it was when I did this shoot).

Wanted to drop one last note for all of your tremendous support this year. So, merci for being here. I’ve grown both as a person and blogger and you were instrumental in my development and growth. Thanks for your comments and for keeping me grounded. Excited for another year around the sun!


Photographer: Julian Dicampo

My entire outfit is from Another Man’s Treasure vintage shop in Jersey City