Usually this time of year, I’m sharing 4th of July bikini outfit inspiration. Something in red, white or blue. Not because I really thought about what the holiday meant, but because it was a reason to get dressed up and party. But I’ve learned and become more aware of, not everyone was free when the Declaration of Independence was signed. And by not everyone, I mean black people. So therefore, it feels like a holiday I can no longer celebrate. I mean, if you are an ally of the black community, how can you really?
If you’d like to learn a little bit more, please read “What to the Slave is 4th of July.”

With that being said, I’d rather make my time more useful by sharing some of my favorite bathing suits that I’ll be living in this summer. Sure, I’ll still be beaching it this weekend, but for different reasons than some bogus American holiday. I’d be at the beach anyway.

If I could live at the beach…I would. Someday, I hope to have worked so hard that I’ll live on some body of water. I’ll take a beach or lake! But for now, being at the beach in a bikini feels like a safe place to be outside and social distance appropriately. And it’s where you’ll find me all summer. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite bikinis to keep you looking stylish all summer long!

And for an additional note of love, wear that bikini. Love your body where it’s at! Don’t wait for the “I need to lose __ pounds” to wear a bikini. Don’t use the excuse “I don’t like my __” to not live fully this summer. Learning to love your body, when you don’t, is not an easy task. But the first step is having a positive relationship with it. The first step: acknowledge you want to have a healthy relationship with it.