7 Secrets on How My Passion Keeps Me Consistent and Motivated


I’ve been blogging for a LONG time. I launched my blog way back in 2011 when I was terrified to be in front of a camera in public. I never thought of myself as a good writer and I certainly wasn’t putting out quality content (as I look back on it now). If you want a good laugh, check out some of the content I used to put out here. For me, it wasn’t about the skill set right off the bat. I was consistent from day one. I’ve been putting out weekly content for 7 years! 7 years seems like a long time but I only feel proud of the content after I rebranded and relaunched in November of 2015. Three years in the blogging world is still considered new, it’s no time at all even though I feel like a vet.

I often laugh when people tell me they’re going to start a blog. I think to myself. they have no clue what it takes. Do they know how hard this is? I tend to not take them seriously and think they’ll set up their blog, write a few posts then give up because it’s too much. It’s too challenging, it’s too difficult to pump out quality content on a regular and consistent basis.

One of the questions I get asked the most is “How do you do it?!” Along with follow up comments such as, “You are so consistent” or “You have new content all the time.” And they’re right, I do! And it’s easy to create and stay consistent and I’ll tell you how. Passion.

I have always told people to find their passion and to do that. But what I failed to mention is, you have to be good at it. I was NOT good at it when I was a newbie back in 2011. My photos were trash and my writing sounded how I spoke. I just needed some practice and lots of polishing.

Fashion was my strong suit and now, proud to say I’m quite good at it. It isn’t just about the skill right away, it’s about the consistency. So to answer the question of how I do it, here are my secrets on how my passion fuels me to do what I do!

1-I’m fulfilling my life’s purpose using my passion. My work is meaningful. I’m able to help people, make others feel good, inspire people, make others feel like they’re not alone. This is my life’s purpose and I use fashion, fitness, travel and my creativity to do it. I shoot often and creating content is motivating and extremely exciting for me. I’m a creative, so I literally live for this stuff. I say it’s easy for me to do it because it comes so naturally.

2-My passionate work makes me feel “complete.” My work is different. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I’m sitting here writing this and I’m excited. It brings me closer to God. It’s simply exhilarating.

3-My passion is innate. This isn’t something I learned along the way or acquired. My passion is always present. I don’t have to go looking for it. It doesn’t feel forced.

5-My passion fuels me to be hyper focused and self confident. It brings me clarity in what I’m trying to achieve.

4-I don’t do it for the money, I do it for the passion. My blog is a passion project. I don’t make millions (yet). I would imagine if I did do it for the money, my work might look different. I’d be totally okay with never making a single dollar from my website again. I would still do it. That’s how you know you’re living for passion and purpose. But now, I’m trying to see how good of a business woman I am 🙂

5-Doing something I’m passionate about is so incredibly satisfying (and easier) because I’m doing something that I love. It allows me to stay dedicated, confident, courageous, determined, disciplined, optimistic,

6-Passion is a state of mind and also a choice. It’s all up to you. I’m in total control of how hard I work. I take total and complete responsibility for improving my life. Once I realized I had this power it propelled me forward. All other aspects of my life have been enhanced.

7-My passion fuels me. It gives me the energy to do all my work. It powers me. I proactively pursue to find more of this energy in different places in my life. Passion is my natural human fuel that inspires action. I only rarely feel  like I’m running on empty. And when I run on empty, there are a few things I do to refuel [coming up on the blog next!]

Photographer: Julian Ocampo