What I Wore: Winter Wonderland

The current winter we are having in NYC is so incredibly beautiful yet at the same time, so cold and depressing!  I was lucky to catch the park at the time I did, hours later, the snow had melted off but the sun was still shining.

As a child,  I always loved playing in the snow, building snowmen with my brother and friends, and sledding.  I spent many winters skiing with my family at many New England ski resorts.  After the latest snow fall, as I was walking through the park, nostalgia hit.  I miss all of those things immensely.

One of the things I love about my rain boots, is they are bright red and remind me of puddle jumping as a child. They just happen to be more sophisticated but they are FUN!

Here’s to enjoying life, having fun, appreciating the beauty around you, and always remember to live life to the fullest, even if we are grown up!

Boots – Hunter

Leggins – Zara

Coat – Cole Haan (TJ Maxx) (similar)

Purse – TJ Maxx (similar)