What Shoes to Pack for Your Trip


A girl needs every shoe for ever occasion wherever you travel to.  These made the cut and were thrown into my suitcase for my summer travels to Chi Town.  Had no idea who I was going to be with, what I was going to be doing, or where I was going to go.  All I knew was that I needed to be prepared.

1.)  A comfy pair of sneakers to wear with skinnies, shorts, or a skirt (please omit running sneakers-those are made to worn while running, and running only).  Wearing running shoes with a pair of jeans is a SIN.  Just threw up in my mouth a little just thinking about it!  Please, go invest in a pair of fashionable sneakers to wear with jeans, if you must!  Stay away from the athletic sections por favor.

2).  Pack a pair of comfortable sandals…there might be nothing worse than wear a pair of unsupportive flops that tear up the buttoms of your feet while roaming a new city.  Walking is usually the mode of transportation, so take care of your dogs!

3.)  You should always pack a pair of heels (in any form), that can go with anything.  You never know who you’ll meet or what fun exciting things that will be presented to you that may convince you to step out on the town.  Stay in the neutral zone (nudes, beiges, etc), that way, whatever you end up packing for clothes, these will go with everything!