5 Reasons to Workout That Have Nothing to Do with Your Body


working out

If you get motivated by looking at pictures of someone who has your ideal body type, kudos to you. But I guarantee that won’t last forever and you’ll eventually need something else to get you motivated to get moving. I cannot stress enough that moving your body means taking care of your body. There are so many more powerful reasons to workout that supersedes just killing yourself to lose pounds. Being active is not about the “perfect” physique but rather about the confidence and joy it brings and for the mental replenishment. Working your muscles, even if it’s just going for a walk, is the best thing you can do for yourself, your mind and your body. Here are my top five true rewards of being physically active that have nothing to do with my body.

1. The quest for better health & taking care of my heart

Our health is by far the most important thing to me and lots of us take it for granted. We should be proactive in taking care of our bodies. Working out makes our organs and muscles work efficiently and also helps combat disease. If diabetes runs in your family and you’re not working out, you should start immediately. It’s also especially good for our lungs. If you are plus size, do not use your health as an excuse to not get moving. We are limitless and we are capable of doing more than we think, we just need to start. It’s a disservice to your family and friends (and yourself) to mismanage your body. Improve your health to increase your life expectancy.

2. The joy and happiness it brings

Ever notice that feeling you have when you complete a workout? It makes me giddy. That’s because we’re being flooded with endorphins and more serotonin is being produced and released. The happy chemicals. They’re a natural energy booster, even though some people expect to be counter intuitive. Exuding energy creates new energy. Working out also treats and prevents depression. A friend of mine was feeling off off kilter the other day and she asked me how I recenter myself emotionally. My answer was simple, “I workout.”

3. Mental Strength & Mental Release

I began a personal 30-day ab challenge at the end of December and I have learned so much about myself throughout it all. There were so many times I wanted to give up because the particular workout felt to be too difficult. Or the days I didn’t even feel like beginning the workout. I pushed my limits and forced myself through it. It makes me think what about what else I’m capable of in life. I have no doubt that the empowerment we get from working out will be transferred and carried over into the rest of my life. Working out regulates your emotions, manages your thoughts, and brings about positivity. It’s a major stress reliever and a form of meditation. Increase and improve your mental healthy by developing active workout habits.

4. Adds confidence in every day life

There’s no doubt that being physically active builds your confidence. When I set small, realistic and attainable goals, I feel accomplished. During my 30 day ab challenge, it was nearly impossible to do side planks. A couple weeks into it and I’m doing something I couldn’t do two or three weeks ago. There’s a sense of pride and achievement I feel which boosts my confidence. When I feel good, my whole attitude changes. Confidence comes from the feeling of being in control and achieving what you set out to do. If it’s just to get moving a couple days a week, your new found confidence and motivation will keep you going. Getting strong is a huge boost of confidence.

5. Me time

Who ever said it’s bad to be selfish?! I’ll be the first person to admit how selfish I am. Taking care of me comes first and foremost. I make sure to devote time for myself and that means getting my workout in. Being selfish isn’t a bad thing. This takes precedence and is absolutely a priority. Even if you’re a mom or dad and have kids, take care of yourself by putting aside some time to get a good sweat in before taking care of anything else. It’s a time to clear your mind, recharge your body and brain. The people around you deserve you at your best. Well that’s the silliest thing I ever wrote…YOU deserve YOU at YOUR best. If you make yourself a priority, then you’ll make time to get physically active. If you aren’t at your best, you can’t show up for others at your best! Tell those around you how important it is for you and they’ll help you find time.

Grab my entire outfit at WOODstack Ivy

Photographer: J.Shotti