A Little Color to Brighten You Up In The Winter


We are in the middle of what is looking like to be, a royally brutal winter. There’s nothing quite like trying to get into your car encased in ice first thing in the morning. Yea, so that happened., it seriously looked like an image from the Ice Age. The sun doesn’t shine much any more, and most of us probably are trying to deal with our relentless annual winter bleu’s. (For tips on how to deal with your winter bleu’s, read my article here).

Sometimes we just need a touch of color to brighten a gray snowy day, so I created this outfit just for that. However, all of us up in the Northeast can’t wear open toed shoes at the moment, but hey, it allows us to dream about a vacation in the near future.

Baby blue has become one of my most favorite colors. My mom used to always tell me that wearing bright colors always looked best on me. Perhaps because of my olive skin tone (much like hers) and dark hair…mothers are always right aren’t they? As you can see, I listened to my mother over the years and have built most of my closet on her ever so loving advice. My closet is full of bright warm colors because they do compliment my tones so much better than BLACK! Find what colors look best on you, and stick with them (even if it has to be black)!

Even though our temperatures are in the teens (if you live somewhere else than the Northeast, LUCKY YOU), there is nothing wrong with brightening up your look in the winter. Try adding a pop of color to set your mood for the day!

shop my look

Heart Hat

Baby Blue Bomber

Floral NYC Tee (similar)

Fur Bag (similar)

Black Jeans (similar)

Bootie (similar)

Green Eyeliner