I’m in the reading groove now and there’s no better feeling! 19 books was the magic number this year and am kinda, sorta proud of that number! I read 14 last year in 2020, so adding an additional 5 was easier than I thought it was going to be. And, spoiler, I don’t read pleasurably at ALL during the day. I get my reading done in bed, at night. How?!
Here’s how to read more:
My trick is a simple one. I don’t bring my phone into my bedroom at night. Period. Sorry to all those who have me as their emergency contact, please remove me. I won’t be saving anyone’s life in the middle of the night because you simply cannot get in touch with me, unless of course, you came banging down my door. But I’d prefer you not.
Instead of spending an hour (plus+) between the hours of 10:00pm-12:00pm,scrolling on my phone, shopping or getting depressed by the daily news, I choose to read my book. The phone goes on the charger in the kitchen, and I get into my cushy bed, under my down comforter, sometimes even crack the window (thanks to free city apartment heat) and open the month’s book. Some nights I get through more pages than others (depending on when I make that move into the bedroom and how tired I am), but progress is made each and every night.
Being in a bookclub and having made that monthly commitment defintelyyyy helps. When I make a commitment, I’m dedicated to fulfill it. I think my attendance is 100% this year [golden star please!]. Would I be reading as much on my own if I wasn’t a part of the club? Not sure. I’d like to think so? Maybe I would now that I LOVE it so much!
I think being apart of this group has helped me fall back in love with reading. Actually, if I’m being honest, I don’t ever think I realllly loved reading. I was always so slow, which made reading frustrating. Once I started finding books that I could get lost in, “reading slow” went out the window. Sometimes I am so entrenched that I forget that I’m even reading! How amazing is that?!
For bookclub, we read one book a month. Depending on how good the book is (based solely on how fast I can read it) sometimes I can get through two in one month! That only happened five times this year (definitely progress from last year), but that means I’ve read some really wonderful books that I blew through!
One quick life hack I discovered this year was finding used hardcover books via Amazon. I LOVE hardcovers but don’t love the price. When you go to the product page on Amazon, click hardcover, then click used underneath [if available]. Most of them have come from Goodwills. It’s a less expensive way to buy hardcovers, you’re buying second hand [yay for the environment!] and makes you feel less bad for purchasing through le Amazon.
Without further adieu, here is my book list from 2021 (in no particular order).
My book list from 2021:
[Side note: I never read anything about the book or author before reading it. I will give one or two sentences about the book but it won’t be about any of the details so not to give anything away!]
Probably my least favorite book from this year. This is the type of book you don’t need to read from front to back because it’s poetic. The messaging was lovely, but not a book I would choose on my own.
Beautifull Bitch by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Bastardby Christina Lauren
Beautiful Strangerby Christina Lauren
The beautiful series is a GOOD one! I flew through them. It’s sexy and hot. It’s series of seven. Start with Beautiful Bastard, then Beautiful Stranger, then Beautiful Bitch for the first three.
Might be my favorite book of the entire year! Top 3 for sure. Mysterious. Creepy. Exciting. And also, WTF!
The Idea of You by Robinne Lee
Top 3 books of the year for sure!! A complicated love story. Get the tissues. Also, we got to chat with the author! I had to ask her how they came up with the art for the cover-the image of the woman is NOT what I expected the main character to look like (disappointing to say the least). She gave the publishing company feedback, they made some changes, but it wasn’t totally her decision to make at the end of the day, sadly. Anyway, ignore the front cover! Come up with your own version of the main character.
My aunt sent me this book, because it’s about an influencer and female friendships! One of my faves.
Our Italian Summer by Jennifer Probst
Definitely need to visit Italy after reading this one! A little family, a little love, a lot of gorgeous Italy!
Dial A For Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto
Might have never read a book so quickly in my life! Kind of corny at points, some face palms but get ready to laugh!
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Page turner. Top 3!!! Sooo good. Nothing more to say, go read it!
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
Definitely whimsical. Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a world or life that you wish could be different?! Then add this to your list. Timely. Matt Haig is a brilliant writer weaving me in and out with such grace!
The first half of the book was incredibly difficult for me to get through because it skipped around so much, I couldn’t follow the story. I wanted to give up on it. It was one of the only books I didn’t finish in time for our bookclub. After our meeting, I gained insight into who the author was (who also is the main character), I began reading it from a different perspective and it made a whole lot more sense. This book was also difficult for me to read because it hit home quite a bit. Hard read on all accounts, but ended up being a great read nonetheless! If you’re struggling in the first half, break my rule and read a bit about the author, then dive back in.
Oooo this book! It will have you feeling all the feels. Unrealistic and realistic in so many ways…sex, politics, race, mixed race families, adoption, marriage, monogamy.
Heart breaking but then your heart gets stitched back together. So good.
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams
Top 3!!! Top 3!!! A wonderful modern love story. I would read again and again and again.
Lots of characters in this one, make a cheat sheet! Half way through I was smooth sailing.
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
A mysterious spellbinding read! Historical and modern day mixed.
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Really interesting to read about what some women think makes one beautiful? At what lengths are we willing to go to ensure our beauty doesn’t fade? Things I’ve been thinking about as I’m getting older. And this constant programed thought that we need to chase after youth.
The Husbands by Chandler Baker
Holy s**t! This book gave me anxiety because the thought of being with a man like the main character’s husbands, makes me never ever want to get married! This one was SOOO good. Once you read this, let’s discuss!!
Happy reading to you this year! I encourage you all to make changes to your bedtime routine (minus the sexy time). Try to go to bed earlier, leave your phone outside your room and spend more time with books!